Step 1: Choose a Track- pick unknown/semi-unknown artists, make it short and well edited, this makes it successful.
Step 2: Write a treatment- discuss the ideas and atmosphere with others, have a clear concept.
Step 3: Plan for Everything- Storyboard, plan places, costumes, props, learn lines and give motivation to group members.
Step 4: Set up a Blog- Links to similar videos, pictures of the process (props, costumes, locations), film storyboard drawings, capture your edited shots before the music videos, make it your E-Scrapbook.
Step 5: Know your Equipment- do test shots to try out effects, check the tape is loaded and the tripod is attached to the camera.
Step 6: The Shoot- Make sure the location is useable for your purpose, shoot the performance at least 3 times with different set-ups, lots of close ups, moving camera, handheld, extra angles and lighting changes.
Step 7: Capture your Footage- Label everything you capture, label by description, be selective.
Step 8: The Edit- Synch up performances, aim to make it dynamic, get a rough cut which comprises just the performances intercut with one another should be an early target, do any effects last, upload to your blog to get feedback.
Step 9: Screening- big-screen premiere, upload the finished version to your blog and YouTube.
Step 10: Analysis- Take advice about what is needed in your write up and start early, make drafts of writing, make use of your blog.
This shelter advert about the lack of housing represents how many people have been sculpted into the person they are today due to the social housing they had available, and they believe how young people now should get the same experience and shouldn't be left by themselves to be homeless. I believe that social housing is incredibly important for young people to grow and develop into young adults and the advert does this by highlighting the critical role of social housing and advocating for more construction of affordable homes. The ad features well known people who share their experiences of growing up in social housing. The campaign underlines how these homes provide stability, secure tenancies, and community benefits, which have positively shaped their lives.